Should I Quit My Job and Become a DJ full time?

Should I Quit My Job and Become a DJ full time?

Should I quit my job and become a DJ full time

Pros of Becoming a DJ

Being a DJ is an incredibly rewarding job, as it gives you the opportunity to share your music with the world and make a living doing something you love. Becoming a full-time DJ can be a great way to make a living and pursue your passion. Let's look at some of the pros of taking the plunge and quitting your job to become a full-time DJ.

Freedom to create your own schedule

As a DJ, you have the freedom to create your own schedule and select when and where you want to perform. Unlike some traditional jobs that require employees to adhere to a strict 9-5 shift, DJs are able to take gigs as available or design their own personal working hours. This type of flexible lifestyle can be extremely attractive if you value independence and want the opportunity to work around other commitments like family or travel. Additionally, since DJs generally establish a network of other musicians and producers, there is often a steady flow of gig opportunities. You never know who you may meet or what job may be waiting for you!

Ability to travel and perform

Becoming a professional DJ means having the opportunity to explore new places while doing something you love – making people dance. DJs often have to travel from one city or even country to another, thus having the chance to explore new cultures and meet new people. Not only do you get an amazing sense of satisfaction knowing that you inspired so many people, but there's also a huge financial aspect behind it - performing gigs at clubs and festivals around the world can generate enough money for you to make DJing your full-time job. In addition, DJs can create their own merch (hats, t-shirts, mugs) or books, write guest articles on famous magazines and offer private classes for aspiring DJs who would like to learn more about this industry. All of these activities will help them increase their income while also gaining further recognition in their field. It goes without saying that keeping close contact with different promoters in different cities will also help advance your career and keep you updated on what’s trending in the music industry. In other words, becoming a DJ is not only about playing music in clubs - it’s a full-time creative activity that involves networking and keeping yourself out there as much as possible.

Opportunity to make a living doing something you love

If you love music and have a passion for it, being a professional DJ provides an opportunity to make a living by doing something you’re passionate about. You can create the soundtracks to people’s lives – from special occasions such as weddings and birthdays, to the company parties and other events. As a full-time DJ, you have the potential to make excellent money with no hour limitations; you get paid for your talent and expertise. You also get rewarded through tips as more people become aware of your work. That means you don't have to be limited by a regular workday or office policies. Additionally, working in different environments with different people makes each day fun and invigorating. There are always new challenges that come up that help to keep things interesting — making every day unique and memorable. And the best part: when expressing yourself sonically, there's no “right” or “wrong” — it's all based on emotion, feeling, and reaction from an audience — something special any experienced performer can appreciate!

Cons of Becoming a DJ

The DJ industry is an attractive one and some peopleentertain the thought of quitting their job and following it full time. Before making such a drastic decision, it’s important to consider all the cons associated with this lifestyle change. While there are some obvious advantages to becoming a DJ, there are also some drawbacks that are worth considering. Let’s explore the potential disadvantages of becoming a DJ.

Unpredictable income

Becoming a DJ can provide you with the ability to earn a substantial amount of money – especially if you become incredibly popular. However, if your performances do not garner interest from the public, or if there’s an economic downturn in the music industry, your income can vary widely from month to month. The popularity of DJs changes frequently and without warning, leaving full-time DJs vulnerable to having their financial security wiped out in an instant. One way to combat this is by diversifying earnings streams and taking on teaching roles or working for labels or management companies – this will help provide long-term stability. Additionally, fostering strong relationships with a few committed businesses as references could help keep money streaming during down periods. Working as a DJ requires flexibility and adaptability; you should always have an eye open for posible investments with which to pad your income, should things take a turn.

Uncertainty of performance opportunities

Choosing to become a full-time DJ provides you with a great potential to potentially earn a sustainable income, however, there are certain factors that may limit the performance opportunities available to you at different times. While popular local venues may offer regular sets to their favorite DJs, seasonality may affect the frequency of gigs and the demand for them. If there is limited foot traffic or customer attention at certain times of year, it can be difficult for DJs to secure regular performances and make sufficient income from performing. Furthermore, DJ’s often need to travel between venues as well as regions in order to find performance opportunities and earn an income. As such, there is a greater level of uncertainty about how each booking or gig will go. There’s no guarantee that each performance will be well attended or generate enough sales for it to be financially worthwhile. This exposes full-time DJs to greater levels of risk compared with those that take on more traditional job roles with extended contracts and more consistent income streams.

Lack of job security

For one, the lack of job security is a primary disadvantage of becoming a DJ. Your earnings largely depend on your reputation and the demand for your services. Despite having a long list of gigs, there may come times when you can't find work or accept relatively lower gigs due to less demand or economic downturn. When that happens, you need to look for other ways to make ends meet in order to stay afloat until the gigs start coming in again. Moreover, with technology ever-evolving bringing new software and equipment out on a regular basis, you will have to continually keep up-to-date with music trends and upgrade your skills if you want to remain successful. Other cons may include working odd hours or taking part in live events such as music festivals and competitions which may require travel. Working at night or early mornings might not be everyone's cup of tea either so aspiring DJs should keep that in mind as well. Moreover, even though it is possible for a DJ to earn considerable amounts of money, this is generally reliant on networking skills along with talent and creativity just like any other profession -- which means DJs will have to continue developing their artistry and craftsmanship if they wish to reach their highest potential.

Considerations Before Quitting Your Job

Deciding to quit your job and pursue a career as a full-time DJ can seem like a daunting task that requires a lot of thought and consideration. One should take the time to weigh the pros and cons of making this life-altering decision, as there are both risks and rewards. Before you make a decision, it is important to understand the potential ramifications of quitting and the challenges that you may face.

Evaluate your financial situation

When deciding whether to quit your job and pursue a career in DJing, it is important to take a realistic look at your financial situation. Before making any drastic decisions, consider the primary factors that will impact your ability to financially sustain yourself. Think about your current income and expenses. Calculate your monthly costs for rent, bills, food, transportation, insurance and any other essentials you need to cover each month. Determine how much money you have saved for a rainy day or setbacks — this sum should be enough to cover you for at least three months if needed. Consider the chunk of money you’ll need upfront for equipment if you choose not to rent or borrow it from a friend or family member. Finally, assess the actual potential income of DJing full-time compared to what you make at your current job. If these figures paint an optimistic picture of financial stability and potential growth within three months or less –– then pursuing DJing full-time may be a feasible option considering other factors are in place such as proper bookings/gigs and available infrastructure (e.g., professional standard sound equipment). However, if the analysis presents an uncertain picture with unknowns (e.g., lack of bookings), slightly weaker expected revenues due to potentially chaotic freelance lifestyle paired with rather inconsistent work hours — then it might be wise not to rush into quitting before having further security measures in place such as acquiring additional part time job(s) just in case things do not take off smoothly upon taking the leap into becoming a full-time DJ.

Explore other options for pursuing your musical career

Finding balance between having a job and taking the time you need to pursue your musical career can be tricky. Before you quit your job, consider other options for dedicating more of your energy to music, including: -Working part-time or shifting to four days a week: This option allows you more flexibility and potential to create a better work-life balance. You may need to do some research and negotiating with your employer to make it happen, but it could be advantageous for both parties. - freelance or contract work: If there's an area in the music industry that interests you—gig management, digital marketing, sound engineering—look into taking on freelance or contract work that wouldn't require a full commitment. This type of work also offers the flexibility and freedom over your hours that might fit better with your creative lifestyle. -Developing creative side hustles: You don't have to completely abandon the idea of having money coming in from the nine-to-five world — having another source of income could give you peace of mind about pursuing music full time. Playing cover songs at bars or running music lessons out of home are just three examples; there are many other ideas for developing additional streams of income outside the traditional job route.

Consider the risks and rewards of quitting

Before you make the decision to quit your job, it’s important to assess the risks and rewards of doing so. While leaving may bring relief, it could also put your financial security in jeopardy, especially if you aren't prepared to face a period without a steady income. Make sure that you are equipped to manage any possible fallout. Draft up a budget that works for both during and after your job transition to make sure that it doesn't require too much of a sacrifice. Consider the pros and cons of quitting now as opposed to staying on for now, as well as when other potential opportunities may arise in the future. It is also useful to think about what resources are available for support during this time. Employers usually provide several weeks or months notice of termination when an employee quits voluntarily, which can be beneficial in terms of transitioning into the next job or aligning personal goals with career objectives. Consider how much your current contribution would be missed by those around you and if there might be any direct consequences such as withdrawing recommendation letters or referrals upon leaving that could have an adverse effect on your future opportunities. Finally, talk through any concerns with family and friends who will be able to offer invaluable insight into weighing up leave verses stay scenarios before making your final decision either way.

Making the Decision

Deciding whether to quit your job and pursue a full time career as a DJ can be a difficult one. It involves a great deal of soul searching and careful consideration. Before making the decision, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of making such a bold move. This section will look at the various considerations that must be taken into account when debating whether or not to quit your job and become a full time DJ.

Create a plan for transitioning to a full-time DJ

Making the decision to transition from a job to full-time DJing is one that requires careful planning and consideration. Before making the leap, it's important to evaluate your current situation, create a financial plan, and assess the risks associated with such an endeavor. First, consider whether you have the skills and knowledge necessary to turn DJing into a long-term career. Be sure to assess your expertness in music production, sound engineering, turntablism, and any other kinds of skills that may be required of you in this field. You should also investigate the industry landscape; who are the current DJs who are successful? Who are their fans? How can you differentiate yourself or create something new? Additionally, having a financial cushion while launching into this career path is important. Unless becoming a full-time DJ yields immediate success (which is usually not the case), you should plan out how you can save up funds before taking on DJing full time. Consider consulting legal advisors regarding contracts and liabilities that may come with being a professional musician - it’s essential to have all bases covered for yourself and your brand. Finally, be honest about what you are capable of handling - this is an incredibly complex career change that requires dedication and discipline. Make sure that having no boss or steady income won’t put too much stress on your lifestyle or family situation before making such an extreme change in life direction.

Make sure you have a safety net in place

Making the decision to quit a steady job to pursue a career in music or DJing can be daunting. In order to make sure you’re making the right choice, it is crucial that you have a safety net in place before you embark on this endeavor. Start by making sure you have access to capital that can provide financial stability while working in music or DJing. You may want to save up as much money as possible or create an investment portfolio so that you can live off of the returns if necessary. It's also worth exploring any government benefits you may be entitled to such as unemployment insurance, and having an emergency fund for unexpected costs. This will help provide financial support during slow periods, allowing you to continue your music career and build upon it without fear of needing stable income quickly. In addition, consider what other resources are available if something does not work out with your new career as a DJ full time. Identify potential options for employment down the line and make sure your skills stay sharp with consistent practice and learning opportunities such as online courses, workshops or seminars. Knowing that there are options should something go wrong is vital when planning any major transition – the last thing you want is to be stuck without prospective jobs or avenues open after leaving your current one!

Seek advice from experienced DJs

Having the opinion and perspective of an experienced DJ can be extremely helpful when making the decision to quit your job and pursue a career as a DJ full time. Experienced DJs have likely been through a similar situation before and will be able to provide realistic advice about the potential outcomes associated with quitting your job for the sake of becoming a DJ full-time. Reach out to trusted DJs who are doing well in the industry and make sure that you ask them honest questions about their career paths and successes they have experienced while working as professional DJs. Doing so can also provide insight into any challenges that they may have faced while in pursuit of their profession, which can then be taken into consideration when making the life-altering decision to quit your job.


After taking a look at all the pros and cons associated with being a full-time DJ, it is important to make an informed decision. In the end, you have to weigh the risks and rewards of quitting your current job and venturing into the world of music. This section will cover the conclusion of this dilemma and provide a final answer.

Summarize the pros and cons of becoming a full-time DJ

Becoming a full-time DJ has some definite advantages. You can enjoy the freedom of controlling your own schedule, hone your craft and travel to exciting locations. You may also benefit from greater career stability than other forms of employment and have more opportunities to be creative and collaborate with others. However, these potential benefits come with their own unique risks. The music industry is highly competitive and volatile, so there’s no guarantee that your career will be profitable or secure. Being a full-time DJ also involves significant risk of burnout due to long hours, irregular pay and extreme pressure to hit deadlines while juggling various gigs and networking responsibilities. Ultimately, the decision on whether or not it’s a good idea for you to quit your job and become a full-time DJ is a personal one that should take into account everything from your financial situation to how well you handle stress.

Offer advice for those considering quitting their job to pursue a musical career

People who choose to quit their job to pursue their musical career full-time should approach the decision with a critical eye. It is important to have a clear understanding of the personal and financial risks that come with quitting a reliable source of income. Before quitting a job, it is essential to action careful planning and research into all aspects of taking up a career in music, including asking questions such as: - What opportunities are available for an aspiring DJ? - What costs might be involved in becoming a professional? - How sustainable is this source of income likely to be? - What other careers avenues will still remain open if the DJ career does not work out? The process of becoming professionally successful can take time and effort, and people need to be realistic about how much they will earn in the early stages while they are building up a following. Additionally, as well as having natural talent it is also important to equip yourself with knowledge about the industry — such as understanding contracts and legal loopholes — in order to create better working opportunities. Working hard on networking skills is also beneficial, as this will help establish yourself within the music scene without having an extensive portfolio or strong reputation. In addition, building relationships with established musicians can speed up your progress by providing you guidance and advice on how best to structure your career. Finally, having an independent reliable source of income or financial backup before quitting your job has become increasingly necessary for those wanting lasting success in music. This can come from savings or other sources such as family members who are willing to help during difficult times.

Encourage readers to make an informed decision that works best for them

As with any important decision-making process, it is essential to do your homework first. Consider the resources available to you, your financial situation and family commitments, and make an informed decision that best works for you. Research the local DJ scene in your area. If there are plenty of opportunities for gigs and it looks like it’s easy to gain a reputation in the industry, then this could be a viable option for you. Research different types of equipment and find out where you can buy or rent them. Make sure you have what is needed both financially and technically to set yourself up as a successful DJ. Consider if having some form of income coming in while establishing yourself as a professional DJ would be more sensible than quitting your job straight away. It may take more time this way but it gives you more security and can help prevent major financial pressure while you’re trying to build a name for yourself. Also look into any legal obligations if relevant; whether that includes setting up a business or getting insurance cover etc Ultimately, it is down to each individual’s personal preference in terms of risk levels and stability they feel comfortable with when making an important decision such as this one. Think through all of your options carefully before reaching any conclusions about quitting your day job; remember that knowledge can be power when creating long-term prospects for success in reaching future goals.